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作者: LeafFall
创建时间: 2023年11月12日
修改时间: 2023年12月1日
标签: 日常



这里是 LeafFall 整合的电脑使用小技巧!!!




  • 详细登录信息
  • 关闭开机时锁屏界面(登录时不需要手动划了,更快)
  • 当然还有更多,可以自己去搜索。


  1. 键盘使用提示: Shift+方向键可以选中文选中文字 (当然现在不是所有人都会使用全键盘快速办公)
  2. 刚安装完成Windows10+要打开Win + V 查看剪贴板是否打开了, 不然以后需要以前的剪贴数据没有了. (虽然不一定能一直保留, 所以已经推荐CopyQ了)
  3. 一般不要选择精简版系统,鬼知道会出什么问题
  4. 在安装时可以使用一些纯净的pe, 比如firpe
  5. WinNtSetup可以在安装时设置一些注册表设置(例如,创建快捷方式不带快捷方式字样)






(还有原本笔记本的固态太小了,我在换的时候安装系统之前忘了docment文件夹的数据, 导致我的脚本和剧本,图片还有ai工程文件,全部没有了)





你可以直接复制到你的MouseInc.json文件中 当然手动编写太多了,所以我直接把所有内容复制过来了

	"Administrator": false,
	"AltDrag": true,
	"AutoClip": false,
	"CapsLockLed": true,
	"CapsUnlock": true,
	"ClipboardManager": {
		"Menu": [{
			"Actions": [
				["Execute", ""]
			"Name": "百度搜索(&B)",
			"Valid": true
		}, {
			"Actions": [
				["Execute", ""]
			"Name": "谷歌搜索",
			"Valid": true
		}, {
			"Actions": [],
			"Name": "",
			"Valid": true
		}, {
			"Actions": [
				["Execute", ""]
			"Name": "有道翻译(&Y)",
			"Valid": true
		}, {
			"Actions": [
				["Execute", "|auto|%clipboard%"]
			"Name": "谷歌翻译",
			"Valid": true
		}, {
			"Actions": [],
			"Name": "搜索翻译",
			"Valid": true
		}, {
			"Actions": [
				["Algorithm", "b64decode", "%clipboard%"]
			"Name": "base64解码",
			"Valid": true
		}, {
			"Actions": [
				["Algorithm", "b64encode", "%clipboard%"]
			"Name": "base64编码",
			"Valid": true
		}, {
			"Actions": [
				["Algorithm", "urlencode", "%clipboard%"]
			"Name": "urlencode",
			"Valid": true
		}, {
			"Actions": [
				["Algorithm", "urldecode", "%clipboard%"]
			"Name": "urldecode",
			"Valid": true
		}, {
			"Actions": [
				["Algorithm", "cyberchef", "%clipboard%"]
			"Name": "CyberChef(&C)",
			"Valid": true
		}, {
			"Actions": [],
			"Name": "",
			"Valid": true
		}, {
			"Actions": [
				["Algorithm", "md5", "%clipboard%"]
			"Name": "md5",
			"Valid": true
		}, {
			"Actions": [
				["Algorithm", "sha1", "%clipboard%"]
			"Name": "sha1",
			"Valid": true
		}, {
			"Actions": [],
			"Name": "",
			"Valid": true
		}, {
			"Actions": [
				["Algorithm", "sha256", "%clipboard%"]
			"Name": "sha256",
			"Valid": true
		}, {
			"Actions": [
				["Algorithm", "qrcode", "%clipboard%"]
			"Name": "二维码",
			"Valid": true
		}, {
			"Actions": [],
			"Name": "编码解码",
			"Valid": true
		}, {
			"Actions": [
				["Execute", ""]
			"Name": "京东搜索",
			"Valid": true
		}, {
			"Actions": [
				["Execute", ""]
			"Name": "淘宝搜索",
			"Valid": true
		}, {
			"Actions": [
				["Execute", ""]
			"Name": "什么值得买",
			"Valid": true
		}, {
			"Actions": [],
			"Name": "购物",
			"Valid": true
		}, {
			"Actions": [
				["Execute", ""]
			"Name": "高德地图",
			"Valid": true
		}, {
			"Actions": [
				["Execute", ""]
			"Name": "快递查询",
			"Valid": true
		}, {
			"Actions": [
				["Execute", ""]
			"Name": "哔哩哔哩",
			"Valid": true
		}, {
			"Actions": [],
			"Name": "其他",
			"Valid": true
		}, {
			"Actions": [],
			"Name": "",
			"Valid": true
		}, {
			"Actions": [
				["Execute", "Everything.exe -s %clipboard%"]
			"Name": "Everything",
			"Valid": true
		"Open": true
	"Excludes": ["Photoshop.exe"],
	"FastPaste": false,
	"Gestures": [{
		"Data": [0, 100, 0, 0],
		"Sign": "UP"
	}, {
		"Data": [0, 0, 0, 100],
		"Sign": "DOWN"
	}, {
		"Data": [100, 0, 0, 0],
		"Sign": "LEFT"
	}, {
		"Data": [0, 0, 100, 0],
		"Sign": "RIGHT"
	}, {
		"Data": [100, 100, 0, 0],
		"Sign": "\\ UP"
	}, {
		"Data": [0, 0, 100, 100],
		"Sign": "\\ DOWN"
	}, {
		"Data": [0, 100, 100, 0],
		"Sign": "/ UP"
	}, {
		"Data": [100, 0, 0, 100],
		"Sign": "/ DOWN"
	}, {
		"Data": [40, 100, 50, 0, 60, 105],
		"Sign": "UP-DOWN"
	}, {
		"Data": [40, 0, 50, 100, 60, -5],
		"Sign": "DOWN-UP"
	}, {
		"Data": [100, 40, 0, 50, 105, 60],
		"Sign": "LEFT-RIGHT"
	}, {
		"Data": [0, 40, 100, 50, -5, 60],
		"Sign": "RIGHT-LEFT"
	}, {
		"Data": [100, 100, 100, 0, 0, 0],
		"Sign": "UP-LEFT"
	}, {
		"Data": [0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 0],
		"Sign": "UP-RIGHT"
	}, {
		"Data": [100, 0, 100, 100, 0, 100],
		"Sign": "DOWN-LEFT"
	}, {
		"Data": [0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 100],
		"Sign": "DOWN-RIGHT"
	}, {
		"Data": [100, 100, 0, 100, 0, 0],
		"Sign": "LEFT-UP"
	}, {
		"Data": [100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100],
		"Sign": "LEFT-DOWN"
	}, {
		"Data": [0, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0],
		"Sign": "RIGHT-UP"
	}, {
		"Data": [0, 0, 100, 0, 100, 100],
		"Sign": "RIGHT-DOWN"
	}, {
		"Data": [0, 100, 0, 50, 50, 50, 50, -5],
		"Sign": "UP-RIGHT-UP"
	}, {
		"Data": [0, 0, 0, 50, 50, 50, 50, 105],
	}, {
		"Data": [0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0, 5, 0],
		"Sign": "SQUARE"
	}, {
		"Data": [100, 0, 100, 100, 0, 100, 0, 0, 95, 0],
		"Sign": "SQUARE 2"
	}, {
		"Data": [0, 100, 25, 0, 50, 100, 75, 0, 100, 105],
		"Sign": "M"
	}, {
		"Data": [0, 0, 25, 100, 50, 0, 75, 100, 100, -5],
		"Sign": "W"
	}, {
		"Data": [50, 0, 30, 4, 16, 13, 6, 25, 2, 34, 0, 50, 2, 66, 6, 75, 16, 87, 30, 96, 55, 100],
		"Sign": "C"
	}, {
		"Data": [50, 0, 30, 4, 16, 13, 6, 25, 2, 34, 0, 50, 2, 66, 6, 75, 16, 87, 30, 96, 50, 100, 70, 96, 84, 87, 94, 75, 98, 66, 100, 50, 98, 34, 94, 25, 84, 13, 70, 4, 55, 0],
		"Sign": "O"
	}, {
		"Data": [30, 100, 30, 0, 70, 0, 70, 50, 40, 50],
		"Sign": "P"
	}, {
		"Data": [30, 100, 30, 0, 70, 0, 70, 50, 40, 50, 70, 105],
		"Sign": "R"
	}, {
		"Data": [30, 100, 30, 0, 70, 0, 70, 45, 40, 50, 70, 55, 70, 100, 35, 100],
		"Sign": "B"
	}, {
		"Data": [30, 0, 30, 100, 30, 50, 50, 50, 70, 50, 70, 105],
		"Sign": "h"
	}, {
		"Data": [0, 100, 0, 0, 70, 100, 70, -5],
		"Sign": "N"
	}, {
		"Data": [70, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50, 70, 50, 70, 100, -5, 100],
		"Sign": "S"
	}, {
		"Data": [0, 0, 70, 0, 0, 100, 75, 100],
		"Sign": "Z"
	}, {
		"Data": [0, 0, 50, 20, 0, 40, 50, 60, -5, 80],
		"Sign": "3"
	"HotCorner": {
		"BottomLeft": {
			"Actions": [
				["SendKeys", "Alt+5"]
			"Name": "窗口中央(与SmartSystemMenu联动)",
			"Valid": true
		"BottomRight": {
			"Actions": [
				["SendKeys", "Ctrl+Alt+E"]
			"Name": "找到程序位置",
			"Valid": false
		"Open": true,
		"TopLeft": {
			"Actions": [
				["SendKeys", "Esc"]
			"Name": "退出",
			"Valid": false
		"TopRight": {
			"Actions": [
				["SendKeys", "Win+D"]
			"Name": "隐藏程序",
			"Valid": true
	"Hotkeys": [{
		"Actions": [
			["ScreenshotHQ", "ToFile", "DrawCursor|TransparencyGrid"]
		"Keys": "Ctrl+PrtSc",
		"Name": "高清截图",
		"Valid": false
	}, {
		"Actions": [
			["Execute", "notepad.exe"]
		"Keys": "Win+N",
		"Name": "打开记事本",
		"Valid": false
	}, {
		"Actions": [
			["Explorer", "select", "%filepath%"]
		"Keys": "Ctrl+Alt+E",
		"Name": "定位程序位置",
		"Valid": true
	}, {
		"Actions": [
			["Window", "HideTray"]
		"Keys": "Ctrl+Alt+Z",
		"Name": "隐藏窗口到托盘",
		"Valid": false
	}, {
		"Actions": [
			["SetBrightness", "UP"]
		"Keys": "Alt+PageUp",
		"Name": "调高亮度",
		"Valid": false
	}, {
		"Actions": [
			["SetBrightness", "DOWN"]
		"Keys": "Alt+PageDown",
		"Name": "调低亮度",
		"Valid": false
	}, {
		"Actions": [
			["SetBrightness", "DEFAULT"]
		"Keys": "Alt+End",
		"Name": "默认亮度",
		"Valid": false
	}, {
		"Actions": [
			["Internal", "Pause"]
		"Keys": "Ctrl+Alt+M",
		"Name": "暂停恢复MouseInc",
		"Valid": false
	}, {
		"Actions": [
			["Internal", "Icon"]
		"Keys": "Ctrl+Alt+I",
		"Name": "切换MouseInc图标",
		"Valid": false
	}, {
		"Actions": [
			["Snapshot", "PiP"]
		"Keys": "Ctrl+Alt+P",
		"Name": "框选画中画",
		"Valid": false
	}, {
		"Actions": [
			["Snapshot", "OCR"]
		"Keys": "Ctrl+Alt+O",
		"Name": "框选OCR",
		"Valid": false
	}, {
		"Actions": [
			["GetClipboard", "Stick"]
		"Keys": "Ctrl+Alt+S",
		"Name": "剪贴板贴图",
		"Valid": false
	"IgnoreFullScreen": true,
	"KeySound": false,
	"KeySoundIndex": 0,
	"Keycast": {
		"BackgroundColor": "#353535",
		"Fade": 5,
		"FontSize": 24,
		"IgnoreSingle": false,
		"Open": true,
		"Space": 10,
		"TextColor": "#FFFFFF",
		"TextShadowColor": "#141414",
		"X": 40,
		"Y": 84
	"Language": "auto",
	"Locales": {
		"en-US": {
			"About": "About(&A)...",
			"Autorun": "Start on boot(&A)",
			"AutorunTips": "You are executing this software in the temporary folder. It is not recommended to enable the start on boot. \nIf you still want to start on boot, select Yes.",
			"BrightnessTips": "Current brightness {0}%",
			"CheckUpdate": "Check Update(&U)",
			"ExcludeTips": "Are you sure you want to exclude {0}?",
			"Exit": "Exit(&X)",
			"FailedTips": "An unknown error has occurred, please try again later",
			"Help": "Help(&H)",
			"Manual": "Manual(&M)...",
			"NewGesture": "Add new gesture",
			"NewGestureDesc": "Don't repeat existing gesture",
			"NewGestureName": "Name:",
			"NewGestureOK": "OK",
			"NoAction": "NoAction",
			"NoMatch": "NoMatch",
			"Pause": "Pause(&P)",
			"PermissionError": "The current directory cannot be written to the configuration file, and the program cannot be executed correctly!",
			"ReloadConfig": "Reload Config(&C)",
			"ReloadSucess": "The configuration file has been reloaded",
			"Settings": "Settings(&S)...",
			"SuccessTips": "The operation was successful (content has been copied to the clipboard)",
			"UpdateCheckError": "Check for update failed, please try again later",
			"UpdateCheckLatest": "Congratulations, you are using the latest version",
			"UpdateSuccess": "Congratulations you have updated to the new version {0}",
			"UpdateTips": "Found a new version: {0}\nUpdated content: {1}\n\nDo you want to update now?"
		"zh-CN": {
			"About": "关于(&A)...",
			"Autorun": "开机启动(&A)",
			"AutorunTips": "您正在临时文件夹中运行本软件,不建议启用开机启动。\n如果您依然想要开机启动,请选择 是。",
			"BrightnessTips": "当前亮度 {0}%",
			"CheckUpdate": "检查更新(&U)",
			"ExcludeTips": "你确定要排除 {0} 吗?",
			"Exit": "退出(&X)",
			"FailedTips": "发生未知错误,请稍候再试",
			"Help": "帮助(&H)",
			"Manual": "手册(&M)...",
			"NewGesture": "添加新手势",
			"NewGestureDesc": "注意不要和已有手势重复",
			"NewGestureName": "名称:",
			"NewGestureOK": "确定",
			"NoAction": "手势无动作",
			"NoMatch": "手势无匹配",
			"Pause": "暂停使用(&P)",
			"PermissionError": "当前目录无法写入配置文件,程序无法正确运行!",
			"ReloadConfig": "刷新配置(&C)",
			"ReloadSucess": "配置文件已经重新加载",
			"Settings": "打开设置(&S)...",
			"SuccessTips": "操作成功(内容已经复制到剪贴板)",
			"UpdateCheckError": "检查更新失败,请稍候再试",
			"UpdateCheckLatest": "恭喜,您使用的已经是最新版",
			"UpdateSuccess": "恭喜你已经更新到新版本{0}",
			"UpdateTips": "发现新版本:{0}\n更新内容:{1}\n\n是否立刻更新?"
		"zh-TW": {
			"About": "關於(&A)...",
			"Autorun": "開機啟動(&A)",
			"AutorunTips": "您正在暫存資料夾中執行本軟體,不建議啟用開機啟動功能。\n如果您依然想要開機啟動,請選擇 是。",
			"BrightnessTips": "当前亮度 {0}%",
			"CheckUpdate": "檢查更新(&U)",
			"ExcludeTips": "您確定要排除 {0} 嗎?",
			"Exit": "結束(&X)",
			"FailedTips": "發生未知錯誤,請稍候再試",
			"Help": "說明(&H)",
			"Manual": "手冊(&M)...",
			"NewGesture": "新增手勢",
			"NewGestureDesc": "注意不要和已有手勢重複",
			"NewGestureName": "名稱:",
			"NewGestureOK": "確定",
			"NoAction": "手勢無動作",
			"NoMatch": "無相符手勢",
			"Pause": "暫停使用(&P)",
			"PermissionError": "目前目錄無法寫入設定檔,程式無法正確執行!",
			"ReloadConfig": "重新整理設定(&C)",
			"ReloadSucess": "設定檔已重新載入",
			"Settings": "設定(&S)...",
			"SuccessTips": "操作成功(內容已經複製至剪貼簿)",
			"UpdateCheckError": "檢查更新失敗,請稍候再試",
			"UpdateCheckLatest": "恭喜,您使用的已是最新版",
			"UpdateSuccess": "恭喜您已經更新至新版本{0}",
			"UpdateTips": "發現新版本:{0}\n更新內容:{1}\n\n是否立刻更新?"
	"MatchCustom": [{
		"IgnoreGlobal": false,
		"List": [{
			"Actions": [
				["SendKeys", "Home"]
			"Name": "页面顶部",
			"Sign": "UP",
			"Valid": true
		}, {
			"Actions": [
				["SendKeys", "End"]
			"Name": "页面底部",
			"Sign": "DOWN",
			"Valid": true
		}, {
			"Actions": [
				["SendKeys", "Ctrl+R"]
			"Name": "刷新",
			"Sign": "DOWN-UP",
			"Valid": true
		}, {
			"Actions": [
				["SendKeys", "Ctrl+Shift+R"]
			"Name": "强制刷新",
			"Sign": "UP-DOWN",
			"Valid": true
		}, {
			"Actions": [
				["SendKeys", "Ctrl+W"]
			"Name": "关闭标签",
			"Sign": "DOWN-RIGHT",
			"Valid": true
		}, {
			"Actions": [
				["SendKeys", "Ctrl+PgDn"]
			"Name": "切换到右侧标签",
			"Sign": "RIGHT-LEFT",
			"Valid": true
		}, {
			"Actions": [
				["SendKeys", "Ctrl+PgUp"]
			"Name": "切换到左侧标签",
			"Sign": "LEFT-RIGHT",
			"Valid": true
		}, {
			"Actions": [
				["SendKeys", "Alt+Home"]
			"Name": "打开主页",
			"Sign": "h",
			"Valid": true
		"Match": ["Chrome.exe", "Firefox.exe", "MicrosoftEdge.exe", "iexplore.exe", "msedge.exe", "safari.exe", "opera.exe", "qqbrowser.exe", "360chrome.exe"],
		"Name": "浏览器"
	}, {
		"IgnoreGlobal": false,
		"List": [{
			"Actions": [
				["SendKeys", "Ctrl+Shift+N"]
			"Name": "隐私窗口",
			"Sign": "P",
			"Valid": true
		}, {
			"Actions": [
				["PostMessage", "274", "40022"]
			"Name": "扩展程序",
			"Sign": "R",
			"Valid": true
		"Match": ["Chrome.exe"],
		"Name": "Chrome"
	}, {
		"IgnoreGlobal": false,
		"List": [{
			"Actions": [
				["SendKeys", "Ctrl+Shift+P"]
			"Name": "隐私窗口",
			"Sign": "P",
			"Valid": true
		"Match": ["Firefox.exe"],
		"Name": "Firefox"
	}, {
		"IgnoreGlobal": false,
		"List": [{
			"Actions": [
				["SendKeys", "Ctrl+Alt+PgUp"]
			"Name": "滚轮切换-上",
			"Sign": "WheelSwitchUp",
			"Valid": true
		}, {
			"Actions": [
				["SendKeys", "Ctrl+Alt+PgDn"]
			"Name": "滚轮切换-下",
			"Sign": "WheelSwitchDown",
			"Valid": true
		"Match": ["devenv.exe"],
		"Name": "Visual Studio"
	"MatchGlobal": [{
		"Actions": [
			["SendKeys", "Ctrl+C"]
		"Name": "复制",
		"Sign": "UP",
		"Valid": true
	}, {
		"Actions": [
			["SendKeys", "Ctrl+V"]
		"Name": "粘贴",
		"Sign": "DOWN",
		"Valid": true
	}, {
		"Actions": [
			["SendKeys", "Forward"]
		"Name": "前进",
		"Sign": "RIGHT",
		"Valid": true
	}, {
		"Actions": [
			["SendKeys", "Back"]
		"Name": "后退",
		"Sign": "LEFT",
		"Valid": true
	}, {
		"Actions": [
			["Window", "Close"]
		"Name": "关闭窗口",
		"Sign": "DOWN-RIGHT",
		"Valid": true
	}, {
		"Actions": [
			["Window", "CloseSimilar"]
		"Name": "关闭相似窗口",
		"Sign": "DOWN-LEFT",
		"Valid": true
	}, {
		"Actions": [
			["Window", "Maximize"]
		"Name": "窗口最大化/还原",
		"Sign": "/ UP",
		"Valid": true
	}, {
		"Actions": [
			["Window", "Minimize"]
		"Name": "窗口最小化",
		"Sign": "/ DOWN",
		"Valid": true
	}, {
		"Actions": [
			["SendKeys", "Escape"]
		"Name": "Esc",
		"Sign": "\\ UP",
		"Valid": true
	}, {
		"Actions": [
			["SendKeys", "Delete"]
		"Name": "Del",
		"Sign": "\\ DOWN",
		"Valid": true
	}, {
		"Actions": [
			["Internal", "tempstr"],
			["Execute", ""]
		"Name": "搜索选中文字",
		"Sign": "S",
		"Valid": false
	}, {
		"Actions": [
			["Internal", "tempstr"],
			["Execute", "cmd /k ping %tempstr%"]
		"Name": "ping选中地址",
		"Sign": "P",
		"Valid": false
	}, {
		"Actions": [
			["Execute", "notepad.exe %systemroot%\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts", "admin"]
		"Name": "编辑hosts",
		"Sign": "h",
		"Valid": false
	}, {
		"Actions": [
			["Execute", "Calc"]
		"Name": "打开计算器",
		"Sign": "C",
		"Valid": false
	}, {
		"Actions": [
			["Screenshot", "Stick"]
		"Name": "贴图",
		"Sign": "SQUARE",
		"Valid": false
	}, {
		"Actions": [
			["Screenshot", "OCR"]
		"Name": "OCR",
		"Sign": "SQUARE 2",
		"Valid": false
	}, {
		"Actions": [
			["Internal", "Exit"]
		"Name": "退出MouseInc",
		"Sign": "W",
		"Valid": true
	}, {
		"Actions": [
			["Internal", "Exclude"]
		"Name": "排除当前程序",
		"Sign": "Z",
		"Valid": true
	}, {
		"Actions": [
			["Internal", "Settings"]
		"Name": "设置MouseInc",
		"Sign": "M",
		"Valid": true
	}, {
		"Actions": [
			["Execute", "notepad.exe %appdir%\\MouseInc.json", "wait"],
			["Internal", "Reload"]
		"Name": "设置MouseInc",
		"Sign": "M",
		"Valid": false
	}, {
		"Actions": [
			["SendKeys", "Ctrl+PgUp"]
		"Name": "滚轮切换-上",
		"Sign": "WheelSwitchUp",
		"Valid": true
	}, {
		"Actions": [
			["SendKeys", "Ctrl+PgDn"]
		"Name": "滚轮切换-下",
		"Sign": "WheelSwitchDown",
		"Valid": true
	"MouseGesture": {
		"AddMode": false,
		"DrawColor": "#E47542",
		"DrawResult": true,
		"DrawTrace": true,
		"FailColor": "#CAD0D3",
		"FontSize": 26,
		"Offset": 150,
		"Open": true,
		"RandColor": false,
		"RestoreEvent": false,
		"Sensitive": 50,
		"StartDistance": 5,
		"Timeout": 1000,
		"TraceArrow": true,
		"TraceWidth": 3,
		"WheelSwitch": false
	"OcrService": 0,
	"QuickJump": false,
	"ShowIme": false,
	"ShowTrayIcon": true,
	"VolumeControlSound": true,
	"VolumeSoundIndex": 0,
	"WheelAltControl": false,
	"WheelEdge": {
		"Bottom": {
			"DownActions": [
				["SendKeys", "Ctrl+Alt+Tab"]
			"Name": "程序切换",
			"PressActions": [
				["SendKeys", "Space"]
			"UpActions": [
				["SendKeys", "Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Tab"]
			"Valid": true
		"Left": {
			"DownActions": [
				["SendKeys", "VolumeDown"]
			"Name": "音量调节",
			"PressActions": [
				["SendKeys", "VolumeMute"]
			"UpActions": [
				["SendKeys", "VolumeUp"]
			"Valid": true
		"Open": true,
		"Right": {
			"DownActions": [
				["SetBrightness", "Down"]
			"Name": "亮度调节",
			"PressActions": [
				["SetBrightness", "DEFAULT"]
			"UpActions": [
				["SetBrightness", "Up"]
			"Valid": false
		"Top": {
			"DownActions": [
				["SendKeys", "Win+Ctrl+Right"]
			"Name": "桌面切换",
			"PressActions": [
				["SendKeys", "Win+D"]
			"UpActions": [
				["SendKeys", "Win+Ctrl+Left"]
			"Valid": true
	"WheelNatural": false,
	"WheelThrough": false

  1. “其实就是格式和画布尺寸一样的正常视频文件” ↩︎
